Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen

Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen
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Italian Libri Muti OPERA Notebook-Carmen


Without words, without writing, and without books there would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity.

Hermann Hesse

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  • A collaboration between Slow and a traditional Florentine typography - a collection of exquisite, unique note books.

  • The Mute books collection re-interpretates classical titles, mixing traditional printing and binding technique together with a fresh spirit, added by the handcoloured slice.

  • Bound notebook 12×15cm– 320 pp

  • Handcoloured border

  • PEFC paper + Acid free paper

  • Made in Italy

  • Size: cm 12 x 18

  • Cover: Carmen– hand-coloured slice in red

A re-interpretation of classical titles, mixing traditional printing and binding techniques and adding beautiful hand coloured borders.

A notebook collection playing with symbolic titles by authors such as Jules Verne, Dante or Homer have been transformed into colored note books to fill with your own stories.

Slow Design Italy.PNG